
Wednesday 19 August 2020

2mm 'Medieval' battle

 Hi all, just a quickie to direct you to a really rather smashing battle over on my new blog. Feel free to pop on over for a squiz. Here are some pictures to wet your whistle:

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Wronghammer is dead?

 It is with a heavy heart that i deliver the following post......but first:
Fuddy Muckers.

 So yes, Wronghammer as we know is dead....when i say dead i mean on its last legs, you know life support....when i say life support i mean at least limping a bit.....

 What im trying to say is that i have been taking stock of the way i have 'hobbied' since getting back into this toy bothering thing and i have realised the following:

1: I lack focus, pinballing around projects and abandoning things i have yet to properly even start.

2: I lack focu....err the bits i really enjoy are the world and narrative building and as of last year building and painting armies. I have less and less time to game and only tend to do so if i have a solid situational framework and scenario in mind.

3: When i try to do too much (narrativly speaking) i tend to burn out on an idea quickly. This leads to periods of inactivity where i cant get motivated to do anything at all.

4: I only really have a few limited periods that can hold my interest for any amount of time ( fantasy late medieval, Pike and shot and steam punk, often at the same time!!) and cant be bothered with learning countless sets of rules to support new periods. I tend to gravitate towards the same simple rules.

 So with these things in mind i have decided to follow my muse (the good one, not the one that tries to tempt me with a million new things) and stick to one setting, the only one that i keep coming back to that on review most of my battles seem to be set in:

Olde Albilande

  Now i realise this setting in this form has only been present in my gaming for about 2 years but if you go by the tone and feel of earlier battle reports they could be ( and i would bet subconsciously are) set here, just in a different historical period. So what i have decided to do is......

                                      MOVE HOME!!!!!!!!!

Packed up an' fuckin on!!

  So i will be doing the majority of my blogging on my shiney new blog Ye olde Crivenshire Masticator which you can check out by clicking on the link. This will focus on building a single setting using projects based on different periods in the settings history, allowing me to world build and errr narrative write to my little hearts content while keeping a narrower focus. Also i feel a clean slate is needed as Wronghammer has been fun to document my baby steps back into gaming but i think i now am ready to do something with a more 'mature' outlook (who an i kidding?). I may still pop over here from time to time and will not be deleting this den of garbled bollocks but will be mostly focusing on decorating the new gaff.

 So a huge thank you to everyone that has popped by over the years, given encouragement, had a giggle in the comments and otherwise supported my general twattishness. Please treat the new place as your own and feel free to continue in the same vein over there, your support and input is always greatly appreciated.......


Saturday 11 July 2020

One down....

Just one of those quick posts to show you what I have been mucking about with. But first (as is customary in these parts):

Is it grunge?, Is it hardcore?, Is it doom?...

First up I finally got my proverbial finger out and finished my 2mm medieval armies for my 

Ridgers and crimpers in perfect harmony (it won't last!)
 Ridgers arrayed to fight for the 'upper crust'!.

Crimpers ready to defend the 'side of crusts everywhere'!.

I have colour coded the armies and units to make them easy to distinguish on the table (they are bloody small). I can tell them apart due to the arrangement of the bases but if I'm doing battle reports I think the coding will help. I will explain all when I write up the first game (soon....honest!).

Also I received a nice new bunch of shiny miniatures for another planned campaign. 

It's a shiny wonderland!!!!

It's a 'small' pile of 10mm Pendracken renaissance miniatures...I may have plans. I decided I could run my pastry based campaign while painting the above so I can seamlessly bounce from the conclusion of one to the start of the next....what could possibly go wrong?. Here's my first attempt at painting some of the above:

The flags are my first attempt at hand painted banners, I think they turned out ok (also you can hide mistakes by rippling them the right way to hide them!). Hopefully I will have some more units done for my next post......

....'till next time.....

Wednesday 1 July 2020

6mm Undead army

  I have to start this post by saying i have been a proper lazy git of late. posts have slowed to a trickle and i have hit a wall as far as painting and gaming motivation goes. I needed to find a simple self contained project to jump start my mojo that i could complete in a couple of days....which i did!. But before all that:

Noisy Scottish types!!.

 As i was saying i was looking for a project that would be quick and easy to get painted and as luck would have it the Scholar and gent that is Mr Maudlin Jack Tar had sent me some lovely 6mm undead miniatures, these seemed like just the ticket to get the juices (and paint) flowing and to give me my third force for my
Project.  I decided to take some inspiration from my 6mm Bakshi inspired half orcs and use a very limited pallet of 'wrong' colours, in this case bone, grey, light blue and crimson, my thinking was to tie the two forces together so they can be used as a huge force together but be individual enough to face off if i fancy it. 

   The force is split in two, in the left of the picture is some skeleton based grave fresh undead and to the right is a force of ghostly etherial nasties.

Skeleton spearmen. The spine of the force (sorry!). Im not sure of the manufacturer but they are really nice figures.

Some armoured skellies, again really nice detailed figures that were a pleasure to paint.

The force commanders. A Vampire on the left and Necromancer type on the right.

Ghostly infantry. All the ghost types in the force (with one big exception) are from irregular miniatures. I was planning to paint them in the same way as the skellies but the sculpts were quite hard to make out. Normally with the Irregular 6mm minis a dry brush or ink wash is enough to reveal the detail of the sculpts, however with these they were still a mystery after both!. I decided that the best course of action would be to work with the issue and and use the softer details to make ghosts.

Ghostly horsemen. These should be fun to use (i reckon they should ignore terrain!). Again the soft detail lends itself to the theme.

The giant ghost (on his day off from every 80's thrash album cover) is a G.W. miniature that i think fits right in with the small guys.

 Having the force split in two means i can have the whole force on the table or use them against each other in smaller games. Also to fit in with the old school warhammer theme of the setting i can also use the ghosts as an Etherial hoast for some of the lawful forces i intend to build in the future. The option is also open to combine them with the orcs to form a huge evil army for BIG games.

Death on death action!!.

  So thats the army pretty much done. I could do with making a command stand or two for the ghosts and maybe a skeleton giant would be good for the force too but thats something to work towards. I'm just glad to have broken my painting duck (i may have ordered a laod of 10mm minis for a new project so clearing the decks before they turn up will help justify my purchase!)........

......'till next time......

Monday 1 June 2020

How to paint 2mm medievals

I have often seen it said on many forums and suchlike that 2mm minis look like they would be hard to paint. This in fact is not the case at all. 2mm armies are pretty easy to get table ready. I thought I would offer my method for painting them to show how easy it can be. But first:

About time for some pistols!.

Before I start there are a few things I need to clear up. I am no expert painter, I have had a bit of experience with several scales of mini but would class my skill level as 'enthusiastic amature'. Also I don't use miniature paints, instead I use craft paints that I adapt for miniatures (you can see the Method here) so I won't be giving the names of paint colours I have used (so no 'giant death badger grey' or 'demon semen purple' or whatever). I have painted a few 2mm forces so feel I have a decent handle on getting reasonable result with them.
Also the miniatures I am using are from Irregular miniatures 2mm range.

Two of my 2mm 'punk n'shotte' forces.

 2mm medieval units.

Also it's worth pointing out that I find one of these helpful.
It's a magnifying daylight lamp, I find it useful but not essential. I picked mine up for less than £20 on line.

Now the elephant in the room: 'Why use 2mm minis?'. The main reason they work so well for me is threefold. One, they allow you to get truly realistic looking armies on the table. You can actually work in a 1:1 scale if you want!. Secondly they are very affordable, you can get a really large army for under £20!. Thirdly they are quick and simple to prep, paint and get on the table. You can put aside a weekend to produce a whole army!.

So to painting the little blighters!. The main things to remember are that you are painting for mass effect. You are not producing this:

(Picture nicked off Google images. If it's yours please make it known in the comments so I can credit you)

You are making this happen!:

Or maybe this:

Also keep in mind you are not painting minis that will look neat up close. This is about the look of massed units on the table at arms length, if you want to hold them close and inspect them you will be disappointed, once they are based and on the table they look pretty good in my opinion anyway.

 Right now that's covered, on to the prep. Most of the minis will need a quick file to smooth off the underside of the bases and may have some flash and mold lines to deal with. These are pretty easy to file down. Then the minis are bluetacked to a lolly stick ready for undercoating.
I tend to use a dark brown undercoat on my medievals, in this scale I also use the same brown on the bases so it works to create shade even at this early stage.

I brush on my undercoat at this scale, you could use a spray can or air brush but as the miniatures are so small I find brushing is fine.

The miniatures I am painting are going to be used to represent dismounted Knights so my next step is to dry brush them silver. This gives an underlayer of plate armour on each figure but preserves the brown undercoat between each figure giving the shading I mentioned above.

If I was painting troops further down the social scale such as leve troops or archers I would go lighter with the silver dry brush, I would also keep the bottom half brown to give them an impression of wearing less armour.

 Next step is to paint the banners white so when painted they stand out.

Once they are dry I then paint the banners. I am using these troops for a fantasy campaign so my banner designs are made up, it is possible to paint reasonably detailed designs with a steady hand and good point. I then start to paint the Knights by adding dots of colour to the chests and backs to represent sir coats and shields. Keep in mind the minis are really small so dots are the best you are going to get.

 Banners and banner coloured sir coats painted.

I then finish the stage by adding dots of contrasting colours sparingly to make the minis 'pop'.

At this stage all the painting is done. The next stage is to shade them. I use a thin coat of army painter soft tone just to emphasize the space between the figures and slightly tone down the brightest colours. It's important to keep the shade light so you don't loose the tones.

And that's the minis ready.

To base the units I use card bases. Cereal boxes work fine, you don't need thick card at this scale as there is very little weight to the finished units. I do back the card with tape (any kind will work) just to add some strength. The bases I am using for this project are 6cm X 3cm.

The bases are first painted with the same shade of brown used to undercoat the miniatures. Once dry the miniatures are stuck to the base using PVA glue.

To finish the bases I make a mix of green paint, builders sand and PVA. This mix needs to be course to allow you to create textured ground on the base. Brush it on where you want and try to create clumps to give the impression of thick foliage in some places. I like to sprinkle some of the sand on the mix where it's thickest to create some contrast.

The completed unit....and proof I get more paint on my hands than the sodding miniatures!!.

The whole process is really quick. The drying time between stages are minimal due to the size of the miniatures meaning you can create a whole army in the time it takes to paint a unit in 28mm scale. It's also not about precision, the miniatures are more detailed than they have any right to be for the size of them but if you slip with the brush or go outside the lines it's not noticeable on the table and most of the time the ink wash corrects any minor issues anyway.

An army ready for battle. The whole force represents about a days worth of work.

Anyway, hopefully this post has been helpful. If you are looking at using 2mm scale for a project please don't listen to the 'they look hard to paint' brigade. Get a few bits and have a go. You will be pleasantly surprised.

........'till next time.....

Monday 25 May 2020

2mm medievals

Hello all, hope you are all keeping well. This is just a quickie to show you what I have been mucking about with. But first:

Hey look kids, it's the 90's!

So what have I been mucking about with?.

 2mm scale medievals!. These are some test units for a campaign I may actually finally do.

 Here's some Knights having a bit of a charge about the place. 2mm is great for making realistic sized units

 These are from the horse and musket range being used as ranked longbows.

 Some leve foot. If I can put together another 3 or 4 of these units I reckon they will make an impressive battle line.
 These smaller units are just about passable as hand gunners or crossbowmen.

Each base is 6cmx3cm to give some idea of size. Here's a comparison picture next to a 28mm mini:

'come on lads, we can take him'!!!

 So why the sudden interest in 2mm. Well I was going through some older posts and I found a campaign I almost got around to starting, namely this:

You can read the innital background post Here. I planned to paint more 12mm stuff to represent the different houses but thinking about it two quick to slap together 2mm forces would not only reduce the hassle of painting so much it will also allow for some truly EPIC battles. Right, better put an order in to irregular.......

......'till next time.......