
Thursday 7 September 2017

You just cant leave it alone can you?!!!

 Carrying on from my last post the MASSIVE battles rules are actually coming along very well ('Its alive..ALIVEEE'!!!!). Hopefully it will be ready to write up into some kind of usable(ish) document soon!. While attempting to play test it again one of the Sprinklings said 'Dad, its all nice having big battles but i bet it cant do really big battles, not really'. He stated it as a fact, not even a question!. Well to prove a point (and to see if the system could handle it....but mostly to prove a point!) this resulted:

.....'Ave that you snot nosed doubting little sh.....*ehem*, sorry.....what i wanted to say is it worked o.k.!. It took a while to set up ( and was less than fun to pack away!) but with over 600 minis on the table it played in roughly 3 hours which i was chuffed with. It would have been better on a wider playing area as it was tough to maneuver (and the 'dead pile' spilled onto the table) but there is an argument that a real 'historical' battle would have been a clash of battle lines charging so it was fine for a test. And it looked cool (mrs Sprinks even snapped a few photos after it was set up!, high praise from mrs 'got your little men out again dear'!).

Anyway, the next post may contain something of actual substance, not just me pratting about......(yeah right!)......till next time......


  1. Awesome! Now I know why these aren't painted. It would take a decade!!!
    I intend to field my unpainted plastics soon - I am inspired.

    I bet you can't do really, really REALLY HUGE battles Mr Sprinks...not really ;)

    (oh i must stop it)

    I like the you have a giant kangaroo to field too? (what's that skip? you want to step on some cavalry eh?)

    1. thanks mate. Looking forward to seeing the unpainted plastics in action!. I am sadly lacking a giant death marsupial of any type at the mo but it would be a majestic addition to the collection!. The bear is yet to be named if you have any ideas?!.

    2. Aha...Rupert, I think. Rupert the Bear.

      Cos, 'everyone knows his naaaame'?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. That would work, i will have to nick a yellow scarf from somewhere!

  2. Oh my! That's a lot of toys. Looking good Mr Sprinks.

    Who would win a fight between a giant bear and a massive goggle-eyed stoat?

    1. Thanks Jack!, it was fun to do but no fun at all to tidy away!. And the Stoat would have the edge, it would find some way to weasel out of it!.....sometimes i despair of myself i really do....sorry...(hangs head in shame!).

    2. 'Karzak Fel - the dread stoat of the ninth plane of darkness...(though his mates call him Pete)'

    3. Hi mate - the email came back as someone elses :(
      Could you email me at ducdegobin (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll come back

    4. It still wont recognize the address, keeps coming back as 'address not found'. just noticed i forgot a quite important part of my email address like a total tool! ( Guess who missed two important numbers (feel free to throw things now!!). Looks like you emailed the very person that made me include the numbers in the first place!. Sorry about the confusion, if it helps my wife just read this over my shoulder and called me a proper twat!.

    5. No problem mate. Sending now. I had a quite nice chat with the other guy though :)
