
Saturday 19 January 2019

A futile exercise in turd polishing!

    Hello all, just a quick update to say i have tidied up my fantasy pike and shot add on bits for 'One hour wargames' by Neil Thomas by adding some pictures and bothering to spell morale correctly( you can check out the changes in the relevant tab above). I spent a while earlier on today taking a few 'arty' snaps with the help of the ever present Wronghammer re-enactment society ( all tastefully done of course!) to hopefully break up the 'dry' wall of text that are the rules i have bodged together, pictures a bit like this:

   Nothing earth shattering but they add a bit of colour and context for the setting (i hope!).

   On a different note i have been made homeless!!!. It began when me and the amazing Mrs Sprinks set the parental controls on our new updated wifi. All good (or so I thought) until I decided to log into this humble blog, apparently this little o' page of mine is BANNED under the settings!!. Its like getting home to find the bloody locks changed!!.

  I'm off to change some settings......'till next time..... 


  1. New rules look excellent with pics sir!
    Trying to squeeze a game in soon. Your multitudinous stuff is of course on the list.

    1. Cheers your ducness, glad you like them. A game with the rules takes about half an hour to play so hopefully they are squeezeinable! :)

  2. Good warning about resetting the wifi. I´m about to upgrade the anti Virus Thing which means altering the wifi so hopefully nothing will go wrong.

    1. Best of luck with it Paul, I think my banishment is purely down to my potty mouth so its a self inflicted exile!.

    2. What..we could be prevented from accessing Blogs due to using rude words on them? I might just set up a blog o called "The history of rude words and phrases" just to see what would happen :-)

    3. That I would read!. Do you need any writers?.

  3. Long live the Wronghammer Re-Enactment Society !!

    1. HUZZAH!!. Couldn't do it without the little guys!.

  4. I just realized all the rules are here available!! Amazing task sprinks, I will test for sure as soon as I get a new night-pass at home hahaha

    1. Cheers Sceavus. The one hour rules are very quick and simple to adapt so its not as much work as it looks. Keep an eye on the top tabs, there is more to follow soon!.
