
Thursday 30 January 2020

Thar be movements ahoy!.

I thought it may be high time to return to my 2mm 'punk n' shot' campaign:

 Having failed to oust a Tuttinghammeshire advanced force from the town of Brickage the forces of Crivenshire have regrouped and decided to take the attack to the enemy....but a surprise awaits!...

...but first...

Rites of Spring, the sound of the revolution summer!.

  So, as i was waffling, i decided to dive into turn two of my Pike and steampunk bobbins, first the positions at the end of the last turn:

  The situation as the turn begins, Tuttinghammeshire forces are established over the Crivenshire border (circled). I decided to change things around a bit and make all moves at the same time to prevent the attack/ reaction cycle of last turn. To that end both Tuttinghamme and Crivenshire make their moves together:

To which end both forces pushed on in the east, actually moving past each other!. Crivenshire decided to contain the invading forces where they were and go on the attack at the border to try to catch them off guard. For their part Tuttinghammeshire also pushed on over the eastern border only further east, attacking the town of Whiffy in order to split the Crivenshire defensive forces. Why they chose to do this can be explained by what happened next:

Berkshire rises and declares support for Tuttinghammeshire!!

  Thats right the third shire to come to arms are Berkshire, adding to the forces of the north!, things look bleak for Crivenshire!. Berkshire waste no time in joining in the attack on Whiffy, meaning the next battle will be a two on one affair!.

 While i was up and at it i decided to draw some F.F.S cards for the upcoming battle, getting the following:
Crivenshire scouting seems to be going well for once, they get choice of deployment area, while a lucky trooper in the Tutinghammeshire force has found a spell scroll ready to use in the battle. For their part Berkshire scouts are very familiar with the battlefield, meaning they get to rejig it a bit before setting up!.
 The battle should be done soon, but you know me and my glacial pace when it comes to hobby stuff. I have decided this year i am going to go with the flow a little more, playing games and painting stuff as the mood takes, so this campaign will probably ebb and flow throughout the year. It will be nice to have something bubbling away that i can dip into when i want. It also means i can flit between projects without getting frustrated when i move away from things to something else, nothing is ever unfinished, just set aside ready to come back to later. Which is handy because i got a copy of this in the post yesterday:

Which has got me thinking about some 6mm Sci-fi stuff i could do......

......'till next time....


  1. 6mm Sci-Fi sounds intriguing Mr Sprinks…
    Here, there seems to be a big black cloud over part of the Map!

    1. Eeerrr that cloud is symbolic, it's foreshodowing....not me taking crap photos or anything oh no!.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers, hopefully it will go somewhere fun.
