
Saturday 20 July 2019

Filthy types on 'orseback!

 Phew things have been busy about these 'ere parts, mostly due to my annual reviews and competency assessments at work (last one monday thank the holy badgers of congrimmitt!), turns out they regularly check us meter monkeys are doing our jobs right!...good to know!. I have managed some painting in the too few periods of down time, but first:

Therapy? live at Castle Donington '94. A fresh faced 15 year old me was down the front with a massive poo eating grin on my face for the whole set!.

 Now on to the latest 'chimp with a brush' style painting:

 The 'Filthy Rats' foraging and ambush collective, the light horse of the Black Rats merc co.

 They are more 12mm minis from kallistra and were pretty fun to paint once i got my head round how best to tackle them!.

They are also my first go at horses for blinking years (about the same time as i was at the above gig in fact!). In the end i used the minis small size to my advantage and simply undercoated the whole mini dark brown and followed with a dark brown wash. I then picked out the manes and tails with black.  I toyed with the idea of  painting the tack but in the end chickened out!. 

 The Black Rats so far . Just a unit of Knights and maybe a foot command stand and i will be calling them done!. I will give a full breakdown of the cost of them for the £30 army thing next time out. 

Speaking of which 2 good folk have already finished some rather spiffing forces for the above mentioned challenge, check out The Maudilin ones brilliant Bretonians here and The noble Peters not one but two fantastic forces of Dark age goodness here and over here. Great work fellas!. If anyone else is joining in the challenge let us know how you are getting on in the comments below!.

......and heres a sneek peek at some more bits i have been painting with a view to a 1/72 fantasy project......more to follow.......i hope!......

.......'till next time.....


  1. Great work Mr Sprinks - those are very nice figures and you've made a nice job of them. That's your assessment done anyway.
    So a 20mm project has kicked off as well?!?!

    1. Cheers Jack, i think i am finally getting to grips with this painting stuff!. I'm keeping the 1/72 project low key(ish) as im not too sure where to take it but am inspired to do something!. I tried to email you regarding my spare 10mm stuff, if you want to email me your address to i will pop them in the post.

  2. Late to the party, but in time to finish the dregs with fags stubbed out in them... I have just posted work so far on the Skinthammer challenge. Nice work on the mini minis..... I'm not sue I could even see 10mm stuff nowadays. Toodlepip.

    1. Your Scavenged Orcs are looking spiffing sir, Truly a lesson in proper use of the bring and buy stall at conventions!. I like the 'skinthammer' tag, i may have to miss-appropriate it soon if thats o.k. with your good self?.
