
Monday 29 April 2019

First painted minis in 25 years!

 Yep, you read it right, I have painted (thats P.A.I.N.T.E.D.!!!!) some minis!. Mr 'I don't like painting', 'paintings boring!', 'Paintings no fun!' etc, has put brush to plastic!. But first some background....

   As those that read my last post waaaayyyy back in the swirling vortex of time may have picked up on the fact i have been feeling quite 'meh' about all things hobby related. This has lead the ignorification (new word ahoy!) of all things hobby based as i have not been bothered to actually do anything. I was in a general fug general and was lacking even the slightest enthusiasm for everything at all. Que one family holiday to sunny Florida with my parents and Sister in tow and its fair to say my mood has been somewhat improved. Its true what they say, 'a change is as good as a rest' an all that (and a 'brown trousers day '* trip to Busch Gardens in Tampa to face down these beasties:

 I do love a 'coaster or two)

   So my attitude upon touching down in Blighty has followed suit. Im not sure where the idea/desire to paint came from but i decided to experiment with the Amazing Mrs Sprinks' art gubbins (cheep acrylics and brushes) and some unloved minis. 

   What follows are by no means good, but as i last painted a mini in my teens (and found the act rather boring and frustrating) i'm rather proud of my unrefined splodging, and completing one stage before going off to complete a chore or two while they dried help break up the downtime. I may even be tempted to try a few more!. All feedback and tips welcome.

Cue music:

#1 'Running all the way'.

#2 'Dry brushed straight ta hell!!!'

#3 'A study in deepest red (or 'are youz lookin' at me bottletop!?!!')

#4 'Skywalker playing air guitar with a spear'.

  On a related note i also saw this beauty while in the states:

 .....'till next time.......

(* Brown Trousers Day: The day each holiday when Myself, The Amazing Mrs Sprinks, Smelly Auntie Ju and Sprinkling 1: The beginning hit the biggest and baddest local theme park with the aim of riding the crap out of the most bottom clenchingly horrific roller-coasters contained within!, often entering at a run to the shout of 'First one to vomit is a big carousel riding jessie!!!!).


  1. I salute your brushwork sir... well done. Give 'em a coat of pva to stop the paint pinging off when they bend. Is Smelly Auntie Ju aware of her moniker?

    1. Thank you sir, the PVA tip is much appreciated and will be done forthwith. And yep, aunty Ju is aware of her should hear what she calls me!.

  2. Back gaming AND painting! That holiday worked wonders. I have the same question as Springinsfeld!

    1. Thanks Jack, the hols did the trick that's for sure!. I do seem to have quite a painting backlog to clear!. As far as the smelly one, it is a family tradition to only refer to each other in fairly offensive terms, for example Sprinkling one is also known as Snotface to her Aunt!.

    2. Ahh Family life - you just can't beat it

  3. Bravo, sir! Glad to see you join the land of the brushers, however briefly. They look suitably brushed and groomed. If you would like advice, quick washes with a thin acrylic ink can do wonders. Best part, when you drybrush on top of that the ink dries more slowly, so it even blends fairly quickly and easily. Cheap and easy next step that I resisted for YEARS to no good end. Decades, really. (I was block, drybrush, and done for far too long.) Anyway . . . I do hope you enjoy some fresh hobby time. My own recent funk was frustrating. I can only assume yours has been as well. And it is most good to be back! A change is as good as a rest, indeed! (And coasters solve many problems.)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement and advice. I did have a bash at a wash but only having paint I thinned down some Brown to the consistency of water and had at it. The results can only really be seen on young Skywalker but I think I was a bit heavy handed on the dry brush and covered most of it!. I think using ink will help if I try it again!. As for the fug...its an odd beast. In one way its only messing with toys so it shouldn't matter so much but it can leave you in quite a low ebb. Glad you got out of it, I enjoy your blog very much.

    2. Thank you. I'm hoping I can stay out of it. And same to you. Your stories are an inspiration. :) These fugs . . . man, they're like fresh new potholes on a blind night. Hard to avoid sometimes, but best to stay out of them when you can because they really screw with the suspension. Those things'll bend a rim and it can be a pain to straighten it out.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations, sir! Welcome back!
