
Monday 6 May 2019


One good thing about coming out of a right old fug, loss of mojo, or whatever you want to call it is a changed perspective and renewed sense of creativity. Its a bugger to get to but the other side of the bllerrghhh is proving to be rather fruitful so far as fresh ideas and a renewed sense of 'pep' go. So i thought i would introduce a new feature to the blog:
  'What the heck is that 'sposed to be?' i hear you cry, well i thought that i would share not only my love for plastic soldier shoving on this blog but also my passion for music (ooohhh i have hidden depth, shallow hidden depth!!). What this equates to is the basic idea that i post a link to an album, live performance or some such i like so you can listen along as you read the attached post then destroy my lack of taste in the comments section!. Really its just an exercise in sharing stuff i enjoy that you may or may not enjoy too and to encourage discussion and further recommendations from you guys. (also i am not entirely sure its o.k. to share stuff like this on blogger so it is also a study of how quickly i can get into trouble and with whom!!!.... cue manic giggling!!!!).

    It is also worth noting that my music collection sort of peters out around '99 and is mostly a mix of punk, grunge and metal so good luck to you with the crap you may be subjected to!....towit:

Exhibit 1: Kyuss: 'Welcome to Sky Valley'.
(Fuzzy stoner grunge akin to Sabbath on a downer lost in the Navada Desert!)

...Right on to the gaming related stuff.....

..I have been painting again (i know, i know...). I thought it would be fun to paint with an aim to gaming (like what normal people do), so i have decided to paint up two warbands with the aim to let them face off soon. I am, as i am sure you know, a bit ( well a lot) of an beginner with this painting lark so i thought by launching into this i will have something to aim at and can work at my own pace, providing myself with the perfect chance to learn. So do you want to see what i have put together?:

Group 1

Group 2

 These are the foot troops for the warbands, archers and leaders to follow. As i am sure you will see they are a little rough but are fine for the table top which is what i'm after. Also they are the first minis i have based for a fricken age and i am quite chuffed with the bases even if they are a little primitive.

Things i have learned so far:

- A wash covers a multitude of crap. A huge thanks to the Composer for the tip last time out, the dark wash brings so much to the minis.

-Have a go at the detail work during the highlighting stage, even if it is a little untidy it helps the overall effect.

- Don't fret over your mistakes. Painting is a skill so it by definition takes time and practice to learn. Mistakes can be painted over but looking at the whys and hows of a cock up helps you get better.

- Concentrate on what went well, you will spend tons of time looking at the mistakes but remember to also look at the bits you are happy with.

As i said they are for the table top so i am not bothered about perfection and to that end here's a gratuitous action shot:

 And how it will look with the old 'three foot rule' in action:

 Not to bad a start, i am quite encouraged by not totally mucking them up!. As ever please feel  free to leave any feedback and tips below.

....'till next time......


  1. Painting is excellent sir.

    Kyuss? Dude you never said!!!
    I'm a bit of a QotSA and EoDM fan meself.

    NOw granted I've had to tell someone to turn down his music recently as where he works is a public access area - and it's the hardest thing in the world to tell someone to turn Kyuss down.

    Now when you said'Wronghammer Radio' I thought you meant an alternative wargaming 'podcast'. there's an idea... I might even be interested in doing that with ya...

    And the Noveltones have the perfect theme tune for it.

    1. Cheers Duc, It had to be Kyuss to kick it off, glad you approve!. Sadly not a podcast although it is an interesting idea ...

  2. Great work Mr Sprinks. Painting is such hard work but can be worth it.
    Now, this popular beat combo you're promoting... I'll take a listen and come back to you.

    1. Hi Jack. You know the painting was sort of fun, but it is still new so I will see how I feel after putting units together!.

    2. I don't enjoy painting mostly because I'm not good at it and that makes it frustrating.

    3. Nowt wrong with your painting Jack. But we are our biggest critics I always found it more frustration than it was worth but now I'm approaching it from the point of view that mistakes are only worth worrying about if you can see them from 3 foot away (I.e. gaming range).

  3. Very nice. They remind me of the toy soldiers I loved as a child. (Knights from a German toy company called Elastolin.) Cheers, Karl

  4. congratulations sprinks, I am so proud of you!!,
    Be careful- this can be additctive sometimes and your avilable time for wargaming can be decreased!!,
    Very nice job!,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Sceavus, I will have to be careful and only paint what I need to game with!.

  5. That looks like the start of a very fine thing there! Soon you'll have whole armies facing off against one another digging through carefully painted mamaoth droppings and worrying that they're going to get too much "earth shade" on their classy looking doublets and hoses.

    Nothing at all wrong with a little Wronghammer Radio. I'll try not to push too many fugues your way, but I might mention that I've been known to write Oldhammer songs every now and the. (There was something about a Squigpiper that was maybe a bit of fanservice to someone's metal ork band called Müshrööm Klöwd. And I do mean metal quite literally in this case. Needs a remix, though. Kyuss would do it much better.)

    Anyway . . . Well done all around! Glorious miniatures, and a fine rec.
