
Monday 12 August 2019

All together too productive by half (rather, me duck, an by 'eck as like and other regional exclamations as long can one title be!?!)

 As the title says (before it broke down into total self indulgent drivel) i have been waving the paint brush at stuff again! (honestly, i dont paint anything for years and then i go and do tonnes in 4 months!)......but first:
                                               I always thought they were underrated.

    As i was in the process of prattling:
 I done gone painting!.
These are all troops to be added to my 12mm project, more to the fact they are more units for my opposition force to the one i built for my £30 challenge.

 A unit of crossbowmen ('scuse the white splodges on the bases, the pva i use to seal the bases had yet to dry but i was loosing the light so just cracked on with the photos. Quite like effect mind). As ever they are 12mm troops from the wonderful kallistra
 Placed side by side for very little good reason.

 Skirmishers do some rock based skirmishing
 The forces foot command stand.

 as viewed leading from the front.

 And a RUDDY GREAT ARMOURED GIANT!. shown guarding his best rock and having a bit of a point. Hes a mix of Perry and Gripping Beast bits.
 A picture to give a sense of scale, from the left the giant is 28mm next to some 1/72 'ogres' next to some 12mm spears.

The army so far. Just some light and heavy horse and another unit of  crossbows and it will be done.

....'till next time....


  1. Superb. Still love that armour effect, and thanks for explaining last time.
    That's a good album too - like Stoner Metal, but with a happier singer LOL

    1. Thank you Sir. i do love the Screaming trees, you summed it up nicely, kind of Grunge with a beatles bent i 'spose.

  2. Splendid work Sirrah. The giant works really well with the little chaps.

    1. Ta very much, i rather like the scales together.

  3. The giant looks surprisingly well next to 12mm stuff. I would surely not dare taking this rock from him :)


    1. Thanks very much, its fun looking at larger scale stuff next to the little fellas and working out what they could be used for.

  4. Great work Mr Sprinks - I too am in awe of the Giant.

    1. Ta Jack, he came out alot better than i thought he would thats for sure!.

  5. Love the combination of scales Sprinks, perfect when a good background is there!!

    1. Tanks Sceavus. The background is coming together for these forces....more to follow soon.
