
Saturday 10 August 2019

welcome to Daubishire!

Someone trusted me with a paintbrush again!....but first:

Audio Marmite agogo!! (my love for this band is only equaled by Mrs Sprinks hatred for them!!, i think its important to have balance in a marriage!)

  So as i mentioned above more paint has been thrown at little metal and plastic blokes resulting first in these:

Black Rats beware!.
  The above is the start of an opposition force to my £30 challenge army, they are yet to be named but the foot troops are made from the other half of the kallistra 12mm Scottish Pikemen packs used to make the Black Rats 'shafters'. As i'm sure you will attest they have been speed painted to be table ready only (not even a wash!) and are supposed to represent a more 'rabble like' force, maybe part trained village militia or some such. Leading them is a commander yet to be named and his banner waving mate!.

Another shot of the rabble.

 And another of the command stand.

'Come Sir Something, this way yonder to glory.....or just some more bloody felt.!'

  This will be another £30 force to take on the Black Rats when complete!. I have also been working on my small 1/72 forces for 'warhammerish' Blood, Guts and Severed Heads i am to use with the kids over the hols, this force is almost done, just some leaders and a centerpiece (guesses to which 'iconic' imperial thingy it will be in the comments!) to do and the force is ready!:

 'Empireish' 'orse!.

 Imperial knights ready to punch some chaotic types!.

  I was very apprehensive about painting these as they are some of my favorite 1/72 minis ever produced, Revells' Swedish cav from the 30 years war. I think a few of the minis i have are the crappy Mars reproductions (i got mine in an ebay job lot) as some of the details are far less 'crisp' on a couple of the riders and the plastic is notably thinner, but even so i could not do an 'Imperial' army without some of these.
The force as it stands.
You can see i am going for small skermishy type forces to make sure i dont get fed up painting hundreds of the same thing!.

 Well thats whats been going on 'round these parts recently, i hope to have more soon....

.....'till next time.....


  1. Cripes Mr Sprinks you've been bashing out some finished forces!! Great work Sir.

    1. Why thank you sir!, still a bit to do but i will persist!

    2. I like your 20mm Empire force - especially the knights.

  2. Worryingly productive... But looking very nice.

    1. Ta very much, the productivity is rather troubling!.

  3. Superb work on these!
    That armour effect is brilliant.
    Did you use ink or anything on those?

    1. Cheers Sir Duc. The Armour is a cheep craft silver over a brown undercoat, followed by a black ink wash and a layer of pva. I think the glue layer catches the light in the photos a little more than in real conditions.

  4. Looks great! I will always love imperial armies.


    1. Tank you sir, the Imperials are always my 'go to' force. They are a handy mix of my favorite periods to game.

  5. Thanks God ,Sprinks is back to the One, True Good 1/72 scale!
    Nice imperials, hope to see them fighting sole Orcs or chaos soon

    1. Thanks Sceavus, have no fear 1/72 will always have a special place in my heart!. I have many other forces planned for this project.
