
Sunday 20 June 2021

'Orse 2

I spent a few hours today finishing a few more 12mm medieval bits. This time a bunch of kniggits.

I'm relatively happy with them, I must say painting heraldry on tiny figures is a daft idea, I shudder at the thought of doing it at 20mm let alone these mini minis!. However single basing 12mm minis is pretty odd behaviour too so in for a penny an' all that.

The brave band in ranky flanky formation.

 I'm still not sure which rule system I want to use with them. As I mentioned before I have been looking at Oathmark but also one page rules age of fantasy which also look pretty faff free and self contained. I may just go back to my own rules but I suppose I can muse on that while painting.

The whole gang sally forth against a generic and camera shy enemy!. 

I plan to paint a few small retinues that I can make into larger  forces or just use for skirmishes so I need to do some foot sloggers (probably no more than twenty) for this lot then on to the next bunch. Hopefully it will work as a project I can chip away at while building my 10mm multi-based forces.

...'till next time...


  1. Looking dandy , as is the terrain. I like the rule set Book of War based on early DND combat... quick and fun.

  2. Thanks very much, I've not heard of those rules, I'll give them a look.
