
Monday 14 June 2021


   As I mentioned in my last post I have been going through my old kallistra 12mm medieval minis in order to strip and repaint them, planning to use them for either some forces for  this

 Or maybe for some other low model count single based system. Oathmark has a rather neat looking way for generating forces and running campaigns so it looks like the favourite for now.  I plan to make a few lords and their attendant retinues that can be combined together to make some colourful forces using a smaller than average number of minis. Here are the first few minis belched from the chez Sprinks painting corner:

They are Kallistra 12mm hobilars from the 100 years wars range painted in my really simple block painting style I used with my 10mm late medieval forces. Just a VERY dark brown undercoat, a white undercoat over that on the bits I want to be bright (making sure to leave some brown round the edge for shading), then a base coat and a single highlight.

I mentioned in my last post that I find painting horses an utter chore, well I have found an efficient way to batch paint them that greatly speeds up the process. Basically I paint them all brown, darkest shade to lightest. I base coat the darkest horses then lighten the brown with pale yellow to make the highlight colour. I then highlight them immediately while still wet to pretend I'm able to do a blending. This highlight colour then becomes the next base coat for the next few horses and so forth. I find I can bash out a fair few nags in one sitting using this method without completely loosing the will to live. Yay!.

I ordered some 10mm flags from pendraken to go with the project. These seem a decent fit, I even had to cut the above flange down to fit!. Anyway, back to the painting table...

...'till next time


  1. Oathmark!!! i bought It last year seems a very fair,ágile and Funny system! Was not able to play still
    In case you are interested, I have a PDF copy of Oathbreakers expansión (including undead faction), just let me know.

    1. I have had a quick test game with Oathmark, see very simple but it's the campaign system that interests me most. I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with it.

  2. Painted minis look superb sir!
    What do you think of the oathmark rules? I might buy 'em

    1. The rules seem pretty interesting, d10 based, alternate activation, you can mix and match from any list when building an army and it has a campaign system built on controling a kingdom made up of several random locations that dictate what sort of troops you can have. Worth a look.

  3. I've not had a look at Oathmark yet, but they are on my radar. Splendid painting too.... Especially as they are so tiny!

    1. Thanks, they actually seem pretty big after painting so many 10mm troops!. Oathmark is worth a look, just a streamlined rank and flank style system at heart so pretty new/old school of that makes any sense.
