Saturday 15 September 2018

The week that was (and frankly, can fu*k right off!!)

 Its been a trying week at chez Sprinks, i always like to keep this blog like space purely 'gamey' (gamey bits below i promise), but its my space so i will be venting for a bit before i update the ol' campaign (your good folks, i know you can ignore my moaning!).
 This week has been one of those that you just wish had buggered off before it began!, It started with not only the tumble dryer giving up the ghost and a random piece falling off the downstairs sink. I know what your thinking, 'But Sprinks, thats all deal-withable', and you would be right. But that was just the start!. I have been working 'out of area' this week and therefore have been inundated with re-wires of decades old Bristolian wiring that is a kind of overtly dangerous spaghetti the likes of which you do not want to put your hands in because some of it is going to be live in the worst possible way!.
My first job on monday morning.....possibly.

This has meant early starts and late finishes each day just to get through the leathal linguini!!.....but thats still not the worst of it, oh no. The Dog has decided that just being happy, bouncy and generally a bit dopey was not enough, she decided that a nice deep cut on her leg would top things off nicely (thanks to a piece of broken sharp ridged plastic some utter FU*KKNUCKLE threw into the garden, no really whoever you are you are a total bellend of epic proportions!), the result, a cut that even though treated will just not heal and has been so far had stitches and then staples in it but still not closed up!.

 Millie the Wronghammer dog models the cone of shame!.

I know, still not so bad, it can be coped with.....but then.....

Sprinkling 2:son of Sprinks sleeping it off.

 The above is the result of the great monkey bars incident of 2018, Sprinkling 2:son of Sprinks managed to break both his arms falling backwards from said bars, 5 breaks over the two arms, several wires and 3 hours of surgery later hes back at home but with casts on both arms he can do nothing for himself and is reduced to relying on myself and the amazing Mrs Sprinks to be his arms for at least the next 4 weeks!. So yep, this week can go get fu*ked!.

.......On a lighter note.....

There has been developments!!!!!!!.

- The Crivenshire 4th after their victory at Both Ways have been ordered to push on while leaving a guard on the bridges to press and engage the retreating Fossestershire 2nd and cause enough trouble over the Fossestershire border to draw off the reserves of the lurking Fossestershire 4th.

-The forces of Lamavic are bored. Armies are massing ready to pick a target for random yet focused violence!.

-The forces of Offenhammeshire are massing on the Crivenshire border but holding position, the 2nd army however are readying themselves on the Fossestershire border close to the warring forces from both ways.

-Burkenshire have Raised their forces in response to the battles close to their border and the massing Lamavic armies.

-Off the Burkenshire coast a small group of ships look to make it to port unnoticed.....

 Next time hopefully their will be less drama and more gaming, i hope to have The battle of Privies Pile played and ready to go!.

......'till next time......


  1. Blimey!!! And I think sometimes I have a bad week!!!! Here´s wishing your son and Millie a good and speedy recovery and a better week ahead for all of you.

    1. Thanks mate, im sure it will all come good in the end.

  2. Terrible week indeed mate - hope things have improved over the weekend..

    1. Ta Jack. Sprinkling 2: Son of Sprinks is home now and taking it all in his stride so stuffs on the up.

    2. Good to hear. Looking forward to your next game report (not high on the priority list I'd imagine!)

  3. Sorry to hear about the week from crap mate. Hoping Sprinkling and Millie get well soon. Hang in there.

    1. Cheers your Ducness, heres to next week!! :)

  4. Life is indeed harder than plastic wars...
    Good recovery to all!

  5. Thanks sceavus, I'm sure we will find a way through. I will be back at the table soon
