Saturday, 5 August 2017

Of life and distractions

Hi all. In the last post i mentioned the next post would be doing something planning to and all that but, well, life and all that stuff have put their heads together to ensure that has gone on the back burner for now. In fact gaming related stuff in general has gone a bit quieter, but not dried up totally thank the dice gods (i always thought they hated me as well!).
First off, these new old school beauties turned up!.
Actually it was the first three books not the ones shown but you get the idea!.
These are the iron wind redos of the original ral partha rules and they are very cool,  kind of the middle ground between oldhammer and lion/dragon rampant. They have greater flexibility in force creation and representing different troop types on the table than the rampants but play quickly and cleanly like those newer systems and don't tend to 'bog down' like every edition of warhammer ever!. Also they use a set unit size that is the same as the sizes used in the rampants so forces for one system will transfer to the other. Anyway i have been giving them a spin of late when time has permitted and am enjoying them. If i get my life back anytime soon i will try to use them for a game report.

Also although i have not been gaming i did win a huge lot of minis on the dreaded bay of e at a very reasonable price ( judging by the fact that Mrs Sprinks only swore a bit, the mark against which i judge the cost of all my ebay halls!) that i think fill in the gaps i had remaining for the setting i am building so de-spruing, gluing and basing have been filling in those tiny gaps of free time we all take for granted.

Lastly the summer hols are here so the demands of distracting the sprinklings has taken its toll on the free time me and mrs Sprinks normally get to enjoy however gaming has won some brownie points here as i banged together a quick set of rules to get the imps tablewards and much fun resulted!. 

 Hopefully more gaming sessions may occur (and if the rules actually stand up to the stresses of the table i may post them for you to use with your own sproglettes). They even looked interested when i explained we could link games to make a story called a campaign! (i will turn them to the dark side!). 

Anyhoo, just a quick update to show that hobby stuff has yet to die here at cassa del Sprinks (but is a little bit sniffly)......Till next time!.


  1. Haha amazing stuff mate, get them hooked early. Then you can get them to paint all your toys :D

    1. They already love Heroquest so its just another step on the slippery slope for them!. As far as painting i never thought of outsourcing to the kids....just need to check those pesky child labour laws....!.

  2. Excellent stuff...and Mrs Sprinks even let you away with it. Good Karma...

    Chaos Wars looks VERY interesting ...

    1. By let me get away with it you mean she found the invoice then yeah!. Chaos wars is worth a look, it has very simple core mechanics and that cool 'toolbox' approach that lets you throw in whatever you want. You can get the rulebook and army roster book for around a tenner too!.

  3. School's out, hurrah! That looks like a nice skirmish game Mr Sprinks. Enjoy the hols.

    1. Thanks sir, it was good fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it.
